CaaS Part 1 - Kubernetes on Centos 7.x Bare Metal
I’ve found these talks really helpful in understanding what Kubernetes does and how it works from an architectural level:
- A Technical Overview of Kubernetes - by Brendan Burns, formerly of Google.
- Kubernetes: Changing the Way That we Think and Talk About Computing - by Brian Dorsey at Google.
“Hello World” with Kubernetes
I’d highly recommend starting your first cluster in Google Container Engine (which is Kubernetes under the hood) by following this guide Quickstart for Kubernetes on GCE and then moving on to deploying a sample app such as a simple PHP/Redis guestbook to get a feel for how to use and interact with Kubernetes at an introductory level. New accounts currently get $300 in credits, so this shouldn’t cost you anything for a good while.
Deploying with Kubespray
So now that we know what Kubernetes does and a few things about how apps and services get deployed, exposed, and scaled in Kubernetes, it’s time to build our own cluster. For that task, I’m choosing the Kubespray project. It follows a similar pattern to that of the Kolla project: clone a repo, edit your inventory and some vars in a file, then say “go”. Out pops a working cluster.
What’s needed:
- Some spare hardware on the same subnet (e.g. 172.22.10.x/24)
- All systems running a recent Linux and Docker (e.g. Centos 7.x updated and Docker 1.12.3)
- Kubespray cloned to a deployment host
- Internet Access on all nodes
- Firewall disabled on all nodes
- SSH Key on a sudo-enabled account on all nodes
- Ansible 2.x and python-netaddr installed on the deploy system
- Centos 7 specific: TTY support for sudo in
on all nodes
Deploy System
On my OSX system, I did the following:
git clone
cd kargo
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp inventory/inventory.example inventory/hosts
- Edited
to be:
mm1 ansible_ssh_host= ip= ansible_user=admin
mm2 ansible_ssh_host= ip= ansible_user=admin
mm3 ansible_ssh_host= ip= ansible_user=admin
smpc ansible_ssh_host= ip= ansible_user=admin
sm1 ansible_ssh_host= ip= ansible_user=admin
sm2 ansible_ssh_host= ip= ansible_user=admin
d1 ansible_ssh_host= ip= ansible_user=admin
d2 ansible_ssh_host= ip= ansible_user=admin
I decided to make all my nodes available for scheduling as “minions”, have two “masters” on mm1
and mm2
, and have three etcd
nodes on all three mac minis. Added up, this provides over 80 vCPUs and 300+GB of RAM all running on top of local SSDs.
Node Preparation
On each of the nodes, I ensured that
Defaults !requiretty
was in my /etc/sudoers
I then ran:
systemctl stop firewalld
systemctl disable firewalld
to disable the firewall for now.
Finally, on the deployment host, I ran:
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts -b --become-user=root cluster.yml
About 15-20 mins later, I had a working Kubernetes v1.4.3 cluster on all my nodes. To verify, I SSHed into mm1
using ssh admin@
and ran:
$ kubectl get nodes
d1 Ready 1d
d2 Ready 1d
mm1 Ready 1d
mm2 Ready 1d
mm3 Ready 1d
sm1 Ready 1d
sm2 Ready 1d
smpc Ready 1d
$ kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at http://localhost:8080
dnsmasq is running at http://localhost:8080/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/dnsmasq
To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
$ kubectl get componentstatuses
controller-manager Healthy ok
scheduler Healthy ok
etcd-0 Healthy {"health": "true"}
etcd-1 Healthy {"health": "true"}
etcd-2 Healthy {"health": "true"}
Next Steps
At this point, I now have a working Kubernetes cluster with a 3-node etcd cluster (fully TLS enabled), 2 master nodes, and 8 total worker/minion nodes with almost zero additional configuration. This should hopefully set myself up for following the Multi-Node Kolla-Kubernetes guide for getting Kolla/Openstack going on a cluster. That, however, is for another day.